Northern Colorado Periodontics

Scaling and Root Planing Can Help Protect Your Smile and Oral Health


Scaling and root planing helps eliminate plaque and bacteria under the gum line and in between teeth that cannot be addressed with routine oral hygiene. At Northern Colorado Periodontics in Fort Collins, CO, we provide this conservative treatment, also known as a deep cleaning, when the beginning stages of gum disease are detected and easily treatable. Our doctors are diplomates of the American Board of Periodontology and can use this simple, non-surgical periodontal treatment to restore gum health and reverse the effects of gum disease.

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a bacterial infection that causes inflammation within the soft and hard tissues of the mouth. Our doctors are passionate about catching gum disease in its earliest stages to help protect your overall oral and physical health. When caught early, in its milder stage (gingivitis), side effects are manageable and often curable with conservative treatment such as scaling and root planing. If left untreated, it can lead to gum recession, bone loss, tooth decay, and other serious oral health concerns. Gum disease has also been linked to serious overall health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

The Scaling and Root Planing Procedure

During your consultation, Drs. Shumaker and Allen will evaluate the health of your teeth and gums using x-rays and the latest dental technology. These scans will allow our team to ensure that gum disease has not affected the underlying bone structure. In most cases, we will recommend a conservative scaling and root planing treatment, but for cases that require more aggressive treatment, we can provide periodontal surgery to restore your oral health.

Before beginning your procedure, we may numb the gums and surrounding tissue with a topical anesthetic. We can also provide oral conscious and intravenous (IV) sedation for patients that struggle with dental anxiety or phobia. Once you are comfortable, a member of our team will use a dental instrument known as a scaler to remove plaque buildup from the base of the tooth, in between teeth, and below the gum line. We will then use a root planing device to smooth any rough edges along the base of the tooth and root surface that prevent your gums from snuggly fitting around the tooth. This step also helps to prevent further bacteria from getting trapped below the gum line in the future. In some cases, we will use our advanced LANAP® technology to complete these steps using state-of-the-art lasers.

At Northern Colorado Periodontics, we can provide the conservative treatment you need to protect your oral health for years to come.

Once your teeth and gums have been adequately cleaned, we may apply an antibiotic gel along the treatment area to eliminate any further bacteria. Four to eight weeks after your treatment, you may require a follow-up visit so our doctors can evaluate your gum health and determine whether any further treatment is necessary.

Protect Your Smile

At Northern Colorado Periodontics, we can provide the conservative treatment you need to protect your oral health for years to come. To learn more about gum disease and the treatments we provide, contact our office today online or by calling (970) 614-4313 to schedule your consultation with our team.

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    Fort Collins Office

    (970) 207-4061

    Fax Number

    (970) 207-0051

    Greeley Office

    3400 W 16th St
    Ste 5X
    Greeley, CO 80634

    Open Today 8:00am - 5:00pm

    More Info Directions (970) 714-2201

    Fort Collins Office

    4033 Boardwalk Dr
    Ste 100
    Fort Collins, CO 80525

    Open Today 8:00am - 5:00pm

    More Info Directions (970) 614-4313